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Lumagny pocket microscope 60x

LUMAGNY 60x pocket microscope



Pocket microscope with light (battery operated) with 60x image magnification.LUMAGNY microscopes are compact, resistant and very easy to use; simply adjust the focus by turning the wheel.A microscope is a tool that is always useful. You can monitor the occurrence of diseases on leaves, but we can also observe the progress of the maturation of the flowers and / or resins.


These miroscopios are available in various ranges of magnification (30x is ideal to see the trichomes and 100x for possible pests or damage caused by these). The focus can be adjusted by turning the wheel and the lens can be used to direct light to the object.


Specifications Mini Microscope for pocket Lumagny Light (60X)

- Pocket Microscope
- Brand: Lumagny
- Built-in light
- Increases: 60x to 100х
- Indispensable for controlling insects, when the harvest
- 1.5 x2 AAA batteries (not included)
- Weight: 37g



Delivery contents

- Mini Microscope for pocket Lumagny Light (30X)
- Carrying Case

Price: €25.58

Gro1 LED Pocket Microscope 60x-100x

The LED Pocket Microscope is great for on-the-go identification of pests and diseases on your plants so you can quickly and accurately resolve the problem.



This microscope uses an LED light for maximum clarity and comes ready to use with (3) LR1130 batteries. Instructions and fabric carrying pouch included

Price: €12.79
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Working hours - Sofia:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

Sun: Day off


Working hours - Varna:

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00
Sat -
Sun : Holidays



Sofia, Nikolay Liliev St., №10



Varna , Han Presiyan St., №1