Grow/Bloom boosters
VitaSol 1L
VitaSol is a liquid organic soil-improver based on potassium (6%).
Its organic origin facilitates the absorption of VitaSol by the crop. Furthermore, it is extremely suitable as a converter of available nutrients. Especially in periods of high production and rapid growth (in case of artificially lighted crops) or in case of a stagnation in growth caused by a deficiency of nutrients, the use of VitaSol has proved to be very effectively. This product is absorbed by both roots and leaves, which practically rules out burning of the plant.
VitaSol mixes easily with water and can be added to the plant by means of a dripping system, but then rinsing is recommended. A result of its organic basis, VitaSol establishes a stable and constant growth, a strong root-hair development, a healthy color and a high natural resistance to diseases. VitaSol contains lime, potassium, and a great number of trace elements. This product gives an extra sweet taste to fruits.
MicroMix 250ml - growth and flowering stimulator
One of the elements that is indispensable in Bio Nova’s line of liquid mineral fertilizers is magnesium.
This product contains:
- 0.36% Fe (iron HEEDTA);
- 0.08% Mn (manganese EDTA);
- 0.4% Bo (boron monohydrate);
- 0.09% Zn (zinc EDTA)
- 0.06% Mo (sodium molybdane).
Trace elements are very small amounts of various elements, which are indispensable for a great number of biological processes. A deficiency of such elements immediately manifests itself in the malfunctioning of a great number of the plant’s functions, eventually resulting into all sorts of deficiencies and ultimately the dying off of the plant. A deficiency of trace elements always manifests itself in the young leaves because the trace elements can no longer be transported within the plant. This trace elements-mix should be used in order to solve deficiencies or as a basis for a complete nutrient solution.
A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of:
- Fe by 100 umol
- Mn by 25 umol
- Bo by 140 umol
- Zn by 16 umol
- Mo by 5 umol
MicroMix 1L - growth and flowering stimulator
One of the elements that is indispensable in Bio Nova’s line of liquid mineral fertilizers is magnesium.
This product contains:
- 0.36% Fe (iron HEEDTA);
- 0.08% Mn (manganese EDTA);
- 0.4% Bo (boron monohydrate);
- 0.09% Zn (zinc EDTA)
- 0.06% Mo (sodium molybdane).
Trace elements are very small amounts of various elements, which are indispensable for a great number of biological processes. A deficiency of such elements immediately manifests itself in the malfunctioning of a great number of the plant’s functions, eventually resulting into all sorts of deficiencies and ultimately the dying off of the plant. A deficiency of trace elements always manifests itself in the young leaves because the trace elements can no longer be transported within the plant. This trace elements-mix should be used in order to solve deficiencies or as a basis for a complete nutrient solution.
A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of:
- Fe by 100 umol
- Mn by 25 umol
- Bo by 140 umol
- Zn by 16 umol
- Mo by 5 umol
FreeFlow 1L - a natural agent increasing immunity and conductivity
FreeFlow is a natural wetting agent based on Yucca-extract (Sarsaponin Schidigera).
FreeFlow lowers the surface-tension of liquids, so that they can penetrate more easy in soil, rockwool, coconut and other media.
For example, initial soaking of rock wool slabs used to take 24 hours while with FreeFlow this only takes 6 hours.
In case of vermin this product is more effective than other products .
While other products usually only leave behind small drops on the leaf, FreeFlow puts a film on the entire leaf which makes pest control more effective. When you are applying FreeFlow to potting soil, you will be able to divide the nutrient solution in the pots or trays much more easily.
Yucca Schidegera Extract 98.0%
- FreeFlow can be mixed in with liquid fertilizers or pesticides.
- After mixing some foam may occur but this dissolves by itself over time.
BioNova Citric Acid 1L - growth stimulator
This product contains: 50% citric acid monohydrate.
Citric acid is essential for the so-called citric acid cycle. During this process, plants convert applied fertilizers into the energy carriers ATP and ADP. These energy carriers then pass over energy to the stem, the leaves and the flowers. Plants make citric acid themselves, but a supplement has demonstrable positive effects. The crop looks more vital and lively after about two days. A supplement has a stimulating effect on the course of the growth. Application: for initial wetting of new media such as rock wool/trays for cuttings, and for flushing artificial substrates.
Bio Nova - PK 13-14 1L
Phosphor makes for the development of a healthy, extensive root system and an exuberant flowering.
Potassium prompts the flowering, the so-called flowering potency. The combination of these two components in a bio-mineral form can be rightfully called a superbloomer. Therefore, this is an essential component for every cultivation. In BIO NOVA’s line of pure liquid mineral fertilizers (i.e. free of excess ingredients), BIO NOVA has a very powerful and quick phosphor-potassium complex at her disposal called: PK 13-14, which is directly absorbable. This fertilizer should be used in combination with Hydro SuperMix, Soil SuperMix, Haze SuperMix or NFT-AQUA SuperMix. A combination with one of these three, makes for a complete fertilization on hydro, soil or NFT-systems.
Bio Nova - PK 13-14 5L
Phosphor makes for the development of a healthy, extensive root system and an exuberant flowering.
Potassium prompts the flowering, the so-called flowering potency. The combination of these two components in a bio-mineral form can be rightfully called a superbloomer. Therefore, this is an essential component for every cultivation. In BIO NOVA’s line of pure liquid mineral fertilizers (i.e. free of excess ingredients), BIO NOVA has a very powerful and quick phosphor-potassium complex at her disposal called: PK 13-14, which is directly absorbable. This fertilizer should be used in combination with Hydro SuperMix, Soil SuperMix, Haze SuperMix or NFT-AQUA SuperMix. A combination with one of these three, makes for a complete fertilization on hydro, soil or NFT-systems.
TML - The Missing Link 250ml
This premium product from Bio Nova laboratory, protects plants from damaging external influences, it stimulates the plant’s natural defence system and demonstrably increases the yield.
The Missing Link consists of a great number of special trace elements that have become essential for the growth and flowering of any living creature on this planet as a result of a process of millions of years of absorption and release by plants and animals, composting, re-absorption, microbe activities etc., Nowadays people cultivate all sorts of crops in our over cultivated environment. They disregard the needs of crops, and often disrespect the laws of nature.
These facts lead to deficiencies, which result into a great number of plagues and diseases among, not only animals and plants, but also human beings.
Moreover, as a result of deficiencies of these essential nutrients, organisms are no longer able to fully develop themselves. The administration of these indispensable nutrients leads to an unprecedented positive effect on both the quality and the yield of treated crops. This product fills the hole in the foodchain which had not been discovered before. Justifiably this product can be called The Missing Link… The Missing Link can be used in combination with X-ceL Booster. This forms an ideal combination during the growing and flowering period.
TML - The Missing Link 1L
This premium product from Bio Nova laboratory, protects plants from damaging external influences, it stimulates the plant’s natural defence system and demonstrably increases the yield.
The Missing Link consists of a great number of special trace elements that have become essential for the growth and flowering of any living creature on this planet as a result of a process of millions of years of absorption and release by plants and animals, composting, re-absorption, microbe activities etc., Nowadays people cultivate all sorts of crops in our over cultivated environment. They disregard the needs of crops, and often disrespect the laws of nature.
These facts lead to deficiencies, which result into a great number of plagues and diseases among, not only animals and plants, but also human beings.
Moreover, as a result of deficiencies of these essential nutrients, organisms are no longer able to fully develop themselves. The administration of these indispensable nutrients leads to an unprecedented positive effect on both the quality and the yield of treated crops. This product fills the hole in the foodchain which had not been discovered before. Justifiably this product can be called The Missing Link… The Missing Link can be used in combination with X-ceL Booster. This forms an ideal combination during the growing and flowering period.
TML - The Missing Link 5L
TML in a 1:2000 dosage (50 ml. per 100 litres) continuously or weekly in a 1:500 dosage in a single feed. As a spray: 1:1000 (1 ml. per litre) solution. Over dosage is impossible. TML should be applied from the first week of growth until the final week of flowering. TML is mixable with all fertilizers.
BN X-cel Professional 1L
BN X-ceL is a biological growing and flowering stimulator, which can be administered to all sorts of plants and significantly increases the quantity and quality of all tested crops.
This sophisticated combination of components stimulates the bio-chemical functions on all levels. The organic extracts stimulate the metabolism, in particular the photosynthesis, and consequently the forming of carbohydrates.
The hormone household of the crop is actively stimulated by the combination of amino acids. BN X-ceL contains the following ingredients: various vitamins, natural growing and flowering stimulators, amino acids, bacteria, trace elements, enzymes, kelp and humic acids.
BN X-ceL actively takes part in the growing and flowering process from the first day of planting. The crop strikes root more quickly which virtually rules out the dropping of leaves. The plant will grow more rapid and vital, while it simultaneously develops a very extensive root system. The potency of flowering is stimulated and eventually leads to a demonstrable increased yield (10-25% increased yield).
BN X-ceL is mixable with all fertilizers and can be applied to all types of substrate.
BN X-cel Professional 5L
BN X-ceL is a biological growing and flowering stimulator, which can be administered to all sorts of plants and significantly increases the quantity and quality of all tested crops.
This sophisticated combination of components stimulates the bio-chemical functions on all levels. The organic extracts stimulate the metabolism, in particular the photosynthesis, and consequently the forming of carbohydrates.
The hormone household of the crop is actively stimulated by the combination of amino acids. BN X-ceL contains the following ingredients: various vitamins, natural growing and flowering stimulators, amino acids, bacteria, trace elements, enzymes, kelp and humic acids.
BN X-ceL actively takes part in the growing and flowering process from the first day of planting. The crop strikes root more quickly which virtually rules out the dropping of leaves. The plant will grow more rapid and vital, while it simultaneously develops a very extensive root system. The potency of flowering is stimulated and eventually leads to a demonstrable increased yield (10-25% increased yield).
BN X-ceL is mixable with all fertilizers and can be applied to all types of substrate.
BN-zym 1L
BN-Zym is a natural bio-catalyst (process accelerator), medium builder and medium improver based on specific enzymes.
Enzymes stimulate the water-retaining ability of every medium and decreases the soil-tension of water, which enables a quicker and better penetration of water into the medium. While BN-Zym penetrates into the medium, it also brings more oxygen into it! Enzymes are specialized protein molecules and work as catalysts in several bio-chemical processes.
A few of the most conspicuous characteristics of enzymes is the specific way they work in, and in particular their speed. The conversion of sugar into alcohol by means of chemicals usually takes several weeks or even months, while by means of enzymes this merely takes several seconds! Enzymes always work without any waste matters or side-products . BN-Zym brings about an increased bacteria activity, which convert the nutrients and minerals in the soil into material that is directly absorbable by the crop. BN-Zym catalysises the waste matters and delivers them back to the crop in the form of absorbable nutrients.
The result is a balanced crop and decreased sensitivity to all diseases! Moreover, the medium stays clean and free of all sorts of excess components. This is important for every cultivation, but especially for those in which soil and coconut are being re-used.
BN-zym 5L - enzyme supplement
BN-Zym is a natural bio-catalyst (process accelerator), medium builder and medium improver based on specific enzymes.
Enzymes stimulate the water-retaining ability of every medium and decreases the soil-tension of water, which enables a quicker and better penetration of water into the medium. While BN-Zym penetrates into the medium, it also brings more oxygen into it! Enzymes are specialized protein molecules and work as catalysts in several bio-chemical processes.
A few of the most conspicuous characteristics of enzymes is the specific way they work in, and in particular their speed. The conversion of sugar into alcohol by means of chemicals usually takes several weeks or even months, while by means of enzymes this merely takes several seconds! Enzymes always work without any waste matters or side-products . BN-Zym brings about an increased bacteria activity, which convert the nutrients and minerals in the soil into material that is directly absorbable by the crop. BN-Zym catalysises the waste matters and delivers them back to the crop in the form of absorbable nutrients.
The result is a balanced crop and decreased sensitivity to all diseases! Moreover, the medium stays clean and free of all sorts of excess components. This is important for every cultivation, but especially for those in which soil and coconut are being re-used.
NovaFoliar 1L - cleaning leaf spray
NovaFoliar is a powerful and highly effective cleanser against contamination of the leaf surface or clogging of the pores (stomata) from waste or pests.
This foliar cleaning spray cleans the crop of any organic contamination, which leads to the fact that the plant is not "attractive" to various species of insects and fungi.
NovaFoliar is a highly concentrated detergent. Higher concentrations are not recommended . Remove undiluted product or rinse. The recommended concentration does not adversely affect the plants, but testing on an inconspicuous area of the plant before use is recommended.
Stimulators of growth and flowering provide an additional dose of nutrients and trace elements to the basic food (basic fertilizer). They are an important part of a nutritional program as they upgrade the base and thanks to this you get the excellent results you expect.
Fertilizers and additives preferred by many producers who prefer organic products. BioBizz contribute to the excellent growth and flowering of your plants, and sweet taste in crops that are consumed. These bio nutrients also include plant essential amino acids and over 70 micronutrients.
BioNova N27 1L - nitrogen additive
The importance of nitrogen should be well known to all growers
Nitrogen is quantitatively the most important fertilizer, such as the basic substances of proteins (amino acids) and chlorophyll. In addition, nitrogen appears in chromosomes (nuclei of plant cells), DNA and vitamins. It also plays an essential role in regulating plant osmosis.
Nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in the disappearance of the largest leaves and premature flowering. Excess leads to dark green leaves and slow growth. It is very important, when nitrogen is used as a fertilizer, to use it in a suitable form.
Bio Nova offers a very powerful liquid nitrogen fertilizer enriched with magnesium.
- N 27 is mixed with all fertilizers.
- N 27 is absorbed immediately, works efficiently and is economical.
- N 27 regulates the pH of the medium used for cultivation
This product contains:
- 27% nitrogen (N), of which 13% NO3, 7% NH4 and 7% NH2.
- contains 1% magnesium (MgO)
- trace elements iron, manganese and copper
A dosage of 1: 1000 increases the total amount of N by 16.5 mmol and 0.3 mmol Mg.
Stimulators of growth and flowering provide an additional dose of nutrients and trace elements to the basic food (basic fertilizer). They are an important part of a nutritional program as they upgrade the base and thanks to this you get the excellent results you expect.
Bio Nova are special nutrients, plant stimulants and products that protect your plant. They are used in gardening, golf courses and other sports facilities, as well as, of course, by private manufacturers.
BioNova CA 15 1L - growth and flowering stimulator
This product contains 15% (180 gr/l.) pure calcium, 8 % nitrogen, and the trace elements iron, copper and manganese.
- Calcium often appears in the cell walls and membranes and plays a special role in the ion-reactions within plants.
- Calcium is transported in the plant by means of water conduction (xylem).
- In situations with a high humidity or in a compact crop the rate of conduction is small and can lead to a deficiency of calcium.
- A deficiency of calcium leads to softened cell walls which manifests itself immediately in an increased sensitivity to fungi, and the dying off of young leaves and growing points.
- Also an excess of calcium can occur, which results into brown spots on the leaves.
- Ca 15 works very fast, does not change the pH-value, and is a pure product.
- Ca 15 is economic and contains 180 grams of pure lime per litre of liquid.
- Ca 15 can be combined with all fertilization schemes, does not clog or pollute.
- A dosage of 1:1000 increases the amount of Ca by 3.2 mmol.
BioNova P 20 1L - stimulator of rooting and flowering
This product contains 20% P2O5.
Since ages, phosphor has been known for its role as activator of root activity and blooming of plants. Phosphor also plays a role in the forming of cel membranes and it is a molecular building block for DNA and the energy carriers ATP and ADP. Furthermore, phosphor also establishes a good metabolism of sugars and makes for the forming of enzymes.
A deficiency of phosphor manifests itself in a slow growth and purple decolourisation of the nerves at the lower surface of the leaf and purple stems caused by an anthocyan-accumulation. An excess of phosphor results in an ill-growing plant with an induced shortage of zinc.
Before P 20, it used to be a problem to add any form of phosphor to crops that would be absorbed entirely and very fast without any harmful side-effects.
- P 20 is absorbed fast, and does not have any side-effects.
- P 20 is free of chlorides or other excess ingredients.
- A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of P by 3.5 mmol.
BioNova K 20 1L - flowering stimulator
This product contains 20% K2O.
Besides the basic elements N and P, also K (Potassium) is crucial for every cultivation. Potassium makes for the sturdiness of cells (water household), and prompts the blooming. Potassium also plays an important role in the forming of cells, the osmoses regulation and the carbohydrate household. Furthermore, potassium is important for the opening and closing of the stomata, which enable the drainage of excessive heat.
A deficiency of potassium manifests itself when the plant does not open the stomata sufficiently for vaporization in order to cool down. This results into the development of chlorosis at the rims of the leaves which develops into necrosis (death) in a later stage. In case of an excess of potassium the plant will be curbed in its development and subsequently turn dark. An excess also hampers the absorption of other cations (Ca and Mg) which is caused by antagonistic effects.
- K 20 is free of chlorides, works very fast, and most importantly: it is clean!
- K 20 is very economic!
A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of K by 5 mmol.
BioNova MgO 10 1L - magnesium supplement
This product contains 10% MgO. One of the elements that is indispensable in Bio Nova’s line of liquid mineral fertilizers is magnesium.
Magnesium forms the reactive nuclei in the chlorophyll, which converts light energy into chemical energy (ATP and ADP). A deficiency of magnesium manifests itself in chlorosis (slight decolourisation) between the nerves of old leaves and also an early dropping of leaves. An excess results into an ill-growing crop and small leaves. This product has the same characteristics as the other liquid mineral fertilizers offered by Bio Nova:
- MgO 10 works very fast.
- MgO 10 is economic and does not contain excess ingredients.
A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of Mg by 2 mmol.