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How to Grow Tomatoes – A Complete Guide from Seed to Harvest

How to Grow Tomatoes – A Complete Guide from Seed to Harvest

How to Grow Tomatoes – A Complete Guide from Seed to Harvest

There is nothing sweeter and more flavorful than a tomato picked straight from the garden. Growing your own tomatoes not only guarantees better taste, but also allows you to control the quality of the soil, fertilizers, and care that the plants receive. In this article, we will look at the entire process – from sowing the seeds to harvesting the ripe fruits, as well as all the necessary products that will help you grow healthy and productive plants.

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What is best to plant in February?

What is best to plant in February?

What is the best plant to grow in February?

February is an important time in the gardening calendar. It provides an opportunity for gardeners to start planting for the upcoming season. Although many regions are still in the grip of winter, certain plants can thrive in February. This month is ideal for sowing seeds of cold-hardy vegetables and flowers that can withstand lower temperatures, such as kale, tomatoes and peas. Additionally, herbs such as basil and oregano can be planted indoors to provide fresh flavor for culinary needs in the spring.

In the following lines, we will look at the best flowers to plant in February.

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Seed germination

Seed germination


How to germinate seeds? Check out one of the interesting methods for germinating seeds, as well as the necessary products that will help you in the next cloning and rooting process.

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How to choose the best soil substrate for potted plants?

How to choose the best soil substrate for potted plants?

potted plants

How do we know if a given soil mixture is good for our potted plants? – in this article we will answer this question.

See the basic requirements when choosing a soil mixture.

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LED lighting: The secret to perfect indoor plants?

LED lighting: The secret to perfect indoor plants?

With LED lighting, plants receive the ideal conditions for growth and flowering at every stage of their development. This makes them a perfect choice for growing seedlings, vegetables, herbs and flowers at home or in a greenhouse. Their advantage is lower energy consumption , less heat compared to HPS and MH lamps and their longer life.

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