General Organics
General Organics provides a full range of high-quality plant fertilizers and food additives. Each product line enables you to enrich your garden. General Organics represents our deep commitment to sustainability, quality and innovation.
GHE Tripack Starting Kit Pro organic
Price: €20.46Pre-order
Pro Organic Grow 500ml
Price: €10.23
Pro Organic Grow 1L - base organic nutrient
Price: €14.32
Pro Organic Bloom 500ml
Price: €10.23
Pro Organic Bloom 1L
Price: €14.32Pre-order
BioSevia Grow 0.500L
Price: €9.97Pre-order
Diamond Nectar/Fulvic 500ml
Price: €15.60
Diamond Nectar/Fulvic 1L
Price: €21.99
Diamond Nectar/Fulvic 5L
Price: €78.77Pre-order
Diamond Nectar/Fulvic 10L
Price: €158.06
Humic 500ml - organic growth and flowering stimulator
Price: €13.30
Humic 1L
Price: €23.53
Bloom Booster 500 ml
Price: €12.28
Bloom Booster 1L
Price: €18.93
Bloom Booster 5L
Price: €69.05Pre-order
Oligo Spectrum 1L
Price: €7.67
B Esentials/Oligo Spectrum 5L
Price: €32.74
SeaWeed 500 ml
Price: €12.02
SeaWeed 1L
Price: €19.95Pre-order
Mineral Magic/Silicate 1L
Price: €13.55Pre-order
Mineral Magic/Silicate 5L
Price: €48.08
Urtimax 1L
Price: €15.09
Urtimax 500 ml - organic growth stimulator
Price: €11.25
Urtimax 5L
Price: €68.85Pre-order
Pro Roots 30ml
Price: €12.53
GHE Bio Roots 60ml
Price: €19.18
Pro Roots 250ml
Price: €65.47
Pro Roots 500mL
Price: €126.85
Pro Roots 1L
Price: €243.99Pre-order
Pro Bloom 30ml
Price: €12.53
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