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Base nutrients


TNT Complex - mineral fertilizer for growth with nitrogen

TNT Complex is a growth-oriented fertilizer with 100% organic nitrogen - for lower EC values.

Price: €9.72

Bloom Complex - mineral fertilizer for flowering

Hesi Bloom Complex for the flowering phase

Hesi Bloom Complex provides all the necessary substances in a quality form during the flowering of flowering plants. In addition to sugars (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, trace elements, etc.), Hesi Bloom Complex is also enriched with important elements (amino acids and vitamins) for the development of the stem and its maximum development promotion.

Price: €12.28

HESI COCO - mineral fertilizer for growth and flowering in coconut

Fertilizer for flowering in coconut plant environment

Complete one-component fertilizer for growing in coconut - for the flowering period. It contains both organic and mineral nitrogen, as well as all vitamins and vital trace elements in chelated form. Low salt content for lower EC levels and less plant stress.

Price: €12.28

Hydro Bloom - mineral fertilizer for flowering in hydroponics

HESI Hydro Bloom is a basic hydroponic fertilizer for plants in the flowering phase.

Enriched with phytoeffectors that give energy to plants and maintain a nutritious and healthy environment in the substrate. Contains more potassium and phosphorus than HYDRO GROWTH to nurture strong, healthy flowers. It fully meets the needs of the plants during the first half of the flowering period. During the second half of flowering, use HESI PK 13/14 to fully meet the needs.

Price: €11.25

Hydro Grow - mineral fertilizer for growth in hydroponics

HESI Hydro Grow is a basic hydroponic fertilizer for plants in the growth phase.

Enriched with phytoeffectors, giving energy to plants and maintaining a healthy environment in the substrate. HESI quality means: the purest ingredients without sediment. It contains proportionally more nitrogen compounds than Hydro Bloom because in the growth phase much more nitrogen is used to produce the new parts of the plant. The main components are perfectly balanced for the growth period for healthy and strong plants in your hydro system.


Price: €11.25
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