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Base nutrients


Pro Organic Bloom 500ml

Pure, organic plant nutrition for flowering plants


Pro Organic Bloom provides flowering and fruiting plants with essential nutrients, perfectly balanced for superior blooms and bountiful harvests. Specially designed to maximize flower, fruit, and seed production, this unique formulation will give you bigger, more nutritious and delicious yields. Pro Organic Bloom dbenefits all kinds of plants during the flowering and fruiting phases of growth.

Price: €10.23

Pro Organic Bloom 1L

Pure, organic plant nutrition for flowering plants


Pro Organic Bloom provides flowering and fruiting plants with essential nutrients, perfectly balanced for superior blooms and bountiful harvests. Specially designed to maximize flower, fruit, and seed production, this unique formulation will give you bigger, more nutritious and delicious yields. Pro Organic Bloom dbenefits all kinds of plants during the flowering and fruiting phases of growth.

Price: €14.32

Pro Organic Bloom 10L

Pure, organic plant nutrition for flowering plants


Pro Organic Bloom provides flowering and fruiting plants with essential nutrients, perfectly balanced for superior blooms and bountiful harvests. Specially designed to maximize flower, fruit, and seed production, this unique formulation will give you bigger, more nutritious and delicious yields. Pro Organic Bloom dbenefits all kinds of plants during the flowering and fruiting phases of growth.

Price: €134.73

Pro Organic Grow 500ml

Pure, organic plant nutrition for growing plants


Pro Organic Grow is formulated to maximize vegetative growth by supplying plants with a custom diet that stimulates vigorous root and foliage development. Through proper nutrition, we create a strong frame for later flower, fruit, and seed production. Use Pro Organic Grow to give all types of plants a strong start.

Price: €10.23

Pro Organic Grow 1L - base organic nutrient

Pure, organic plant nutrition for growing plants


BioThrive® Grow is formulated to maximize vegetative growth by supplying plants with a custom diet that stimulates vigorous root and foliage development. Through proper nutrition, we create a strong frame for later flower, fruit, and seed production. Use BioThrive Grow to give all types of plants a strong start.

Price: €14.32

Pro Organic Grow 10L

Pure, organic plant nutrition for growing plants


Pro Organic Grow is formulated to maximize vegetative growth by supplying plants with a custom diet that stimulates vigorous root and foliage development. Through proper nutrition, we create a strong frame for later flower, fruit, and seed production. Use Pro Organic Grow to give all types of plants a strong start.

Price: €134.73

BioSevia Grow 0.500L


GENERAL HYDROPONICS BioSevia is an organic growth nutrient special for bioponics.



It is 100% biological fertilizer that contains all the necessary elements for a perfect growing of the plant.


  • It is a complete plant food

  • BioSevia is easy to assimilate by plants
  • It contains fulvic and humic acids which improve soil conditions and increase the absorption capacity of the plant.
  • It brings a sugary and pleasant flavor to your crops
  • It is used in hydroponics



BioSevia is also a « bioponic » nutrient. It gives perfect results in soil, but it exceptionality works in hydroponics too, with bare roots, or on substrates. To be bioponic, a nutrient must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It must be rapidly degradable and readily available to the plant. BioSevia fits to all these conditions.


BioSevia is a fertilizer material used in organic farming. It applies to the European regulation on organic cultivation.

Price: €9.97

BioSevia Grow 1L

GENERAL HYDROPONICS BioSevia is an organic growth nutrient special for bioponics.



It is 100% biological fertilizer that contains all the necessary elements for a perfect growing of the plant.


  • It is a complete plant food

  • BioSevia is easy to assimilate by plants
  • It contains fulvic and humic acids which improve soil conditions and increase the absorption capacity of the plant.
  • It brings a sugary and pleasant flavor to your crops
  • It is used in hydroponics



BioSevia is also a « bioponic » nutrient. It gives perfect results in soil, but it exceptionality works in hydroponics too, with bare roots, or on substrates. To be bioponic, a nutrient must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It must be rapidly degradable and readily available to the plant. BioSevia fits to all these conditions.


BioSevia is a fertilizer material used in organic farming. It applies to the European regulation on organic cultivation.

Price: €14.07

Bio Sevia Bloom 0.500L

BioSevia from GHE is a complete and 100% biological fertiliser. Its specific composition and its excellent solubility make it an easily assimilated plant fertiliser. 



BioSevia from GHE is used very effectively in fertirrigation and drip irrigation. It contains necessary humic acids that improve the soil conditions and increase the assimilation capacity of the plants, giving the buds a slightly sweet, very nice flavour.


The usual biological fertilisers are usually formulated to degrade slowly in the ground, and some of its components break down in water, releasing a very unpleasant smell. With the time they will obstruct the injectors and filters.


To be bioponic, a fertiliser must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It mustn’t contain too big particles, and should degrade and remove quickly.


BioSevia from GHE gathers all these criteria.

Price: €9.97

BioSevia Bloom 1L

BioSevia from GHE is a complete and 100% biological fertiliser. Its specific composition and its excellent solubility make it an easily assimilated plant fertiliser. 



BioSevia from GHE is used very effectively in fertirrigation and drip irrigation. It contains necessary humic acids that improve the soil conditions and increase the assimilation capacity of the plants, giving the buds a slightly sweet, very nice flavour.


The usual biological fertilisers are usually formulated to degrade slowly in the ground, and some of its components break down in water, releasing a very unpleasant smell. With the time they will obstruct the injectors and filters.


To be bioponic, a fertiliser must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It mustn’t contain too big particles, and should degrade and remove quickly.


BioSevia from GHE gathers all these criteria.

Price: €14.07
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