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Emerald Harvest

Premium nutrients, supplements, root inoculants and plant tonics that are formulated to bring you greener gardens and fuller wallets. You will achieve simple, easy success in your gardens with Emerald Harvest. The simple yet powerful line of plant nutrients and supplements ensures you spend less time managing your feeding schedules, less money shopping for refills and more time watching your yields stack up at harvest.


Резултат с изображение за „emerald harvest logo“


Root Wizard 0.95L

The beneficial bacteria in this microbial inoculant colonize the rhizosphere of your crops.



While soil gardens naturally contain myriad microbes that enhance root vigor and boost nutrient uptake, Emerald Harvest Root Wizard supplies your soilless garden, which otherwise lacks this microbial life, with bacteria crucial to root function. 


Designed to increase the bioactivity that bulks up root mass, the plant-symbiotic microorganisms in Emerald Harvest Root Wizard help break down organic matter into bioavailable nutrients, so your plants absorb and assimilate more of what they need from plant food for growth, maintenance and flowering. Beneficial bacteria in the root zone are hard-working components of your plants' well-being. They clean up and recycle unneeded waste and fire up enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere, helping your plants profit from nutrition more efficiently.


Emerald Harvest Root Wizard is tailor-made to give your garden the robust root system it needs for strength, vitality and maximum productivity.

Price: €81.33
List Price: €108.44
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Price: €81.33
List Price: €108.44
Discount: €27.11 (25.00%)

Root Wizard 3.79L

The beneficial bacteria in this microbial inoculant colonize the rhizosphere of your crops.



While soil gardens naturally contain myriad microbes that enhance root vigor and boost nutrient uptake, Emerald Harvest Root Wizard supplies your soilless garden, which otherwise lacks this microbial life, with bacteria crucial to root function. 


Designed to increase the bioactivity that bulks up root mass, the plant-symbiotic microorganisms in Emerald Harvest Root Wizard help break down organic matter into bioavailable nutrients, so your plants absorb and assimilate more of what they need from plant food for growth, maintenance and flowering. Beneficial bacteria in the root zone are hard-working components of your plants' well-being. They clean up and recycle unneeded waste and fire up enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere, helping your plants profit from nutrition more efficiently.


Emerald Harvest Root Wizard is tailor-made to give your garden the robust root system it needs for strength, vitality and maximum productivity.

Price: €232.48
List Price: €309.97
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Price: €232.48
List Price: €309.97
Discount: €77.49 (25.00%)

Root Wizard 9.46L

The beneficial bacteria in this microbial inoculant colonize the rhizosphere of your crops.



While soil gardens naturally contain myriad microbes that enhance root vigor and boost nutrient uptake, Emerald Harvest Root Wizard supplies your soilless garden, which otherwise lacks this microbial life, with bacteria crucial to root function. 


Designed to increase the bioactivity that bulks up root mass, the plant-symbiotic microorganisms in Emerald Harvest Root Wizard help break down organic matter into bioavailable nutrients, so your plants absorb and assimilate more of what they need from plant food for growth, maintenance and flowering. Beneficial bacteria in the root zone are hard-working components of your plants' well-being. They clean up and recycle unneeded waste and fire up enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere, helping your plants profit from nutrition more efficiently.


Emerald Harvest Root Wizard is tailor-made to give your garden the robust root system it needs for strength, vitality and maximum productivity.

Price: €382.09
List Price: €509.46
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Price: €382.09
List Price: €509.46
Discount: €127.37 (25.00%)
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