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Master Root 250ml - Root stimulator

Master Root by Xpert Nutrients

For a strong and healthy root system.

Master Root – a biostimulator, an exclusive product of Xpert Nutrients , specially designed to build a highly developed and healthy root system of plants.

With a high content of vitamins, growth hormones and amino acids, Master Root is proud of its unique formula with included macro and micro elements vital for the metabolic processes in plants.

Stimulates the increase in the volume of the root system by increasing the root hairs, promotes the efficient absorption of nutrients. As a result, accelerated plant development is observed, with increased resistance to environmental stressors, protection from diseases and enemies.

Master Root stimulates early root formation and stronger development, reduces transplant shock, encourages plants to grow more vigorously.

Price: €17.39

Master Root 1L - Root Stimulator

Master Root – a biostimulator, an exclusive product of Xpert Nutrients , specially designed to build a highly developed and healthy root system of plants.

With a high content of vitamins, growth hormones and amino acids, Master Root is proud of its unique formula with included macro and micro elements vital for the metabolic processes in plants.

Stimulates the increase in the volume of the root system by increasing the root hairs, promotes the efficient absorption of nutrients. As a result, accelerated plant development is observed, with increased resistance to environmental stressors, protection from diseases and enemies.

Master Root stimulates early root formation and stronger development, reduces transplant shock, encourages plants to grow more vigorously.

Price: €43.48

Master Root 5L - Root Stimulator

Master Root by Xpert Nutrients

For a strong and healthy root system.

Master Root – a biostimulator, an exclusive product of Xpert Nutrients , specially designed to build a highly developed and healthy root system of plants.

With a high content of vitamins, growth hormones and amino acids, Master Root is proud of its unique formula with included macro and micro elements vital for the metabolic processes in plants.

Stimulates the increase in the volume of the root system by increasing the root hairs, promotes the efficient absorption of nutrients. As a result, accelerated plant development is observed, with increased resistance to environmental stressors, protection from diseases and enemies.

Master Root stimulates early root formation and stronger development, reduces transplant shock, encourages plants to grow more vigorously.

Price: €168.29

Master Root 10L - Root Stimulator

Master Root by Xpert Nutrients

For a strong and healthy root system.

Master Root – a biostimulator, an exclusive product of Xpert Nutrients , specially designed to build a highly developed and healthy root system of plants.

With a high content of vitamins, growth hormones and amino acids, Master Root is proud of its unique formula with included macro and micro elements vital for the metabolic processes in plants.

Stimulates the increase in the volume of the root system by increasing the root hairs, promotes the efficient absorption of nutrients. As a result, accelerated plant development is observed, with increased resistance to environmental stressors, protection from diseases and enemies.

Master Root stimulates early root formation and stronger development, reduces transplant shock, encourages plants to grow more vigorously.

Price: €280.82

Master Root 20L - Root Stimulator


Master Root by Xpert Nutrients

For a strong and healthy root system.

Master Root – a biostimulator, an exclusive product of Xpert Nutrients , specially designed to build a highly developed and healthy root system of plants.

With a high content of vitamins, growth hormones and amino acids, Master Root is proud of its unique formula with included macro and micro elements vital for the metabolic processes in plants.

Stimulates the increase in the volume of the root system by increasing the root hairs, promotes the efficient absorption of nutrients. As a result, accelerated plant development is observed, with increased resistance to environmental stressors, protection from diseases and enemies.

Master Root stimulates early root formation and stronger development, reduces transplant shock, encourages plants to grow more vigorously.

Price: €536.57
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Xpert Nutrients is an innovative brand of fertilizers with a serious production process and high quality ingredients that guarantee the correct distribution and transfer of nutrients. The result - bountiful harvests!

We have products for every aspect of your plants development. Xpert Nutrients offers root stimulators , basic growth fertilizers, basic flowering fertilizers, ph regulators, supplements . Combine the products according to the needs of your plants and the result will not be late.





Working hours - Sofia:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

Sun: Day off


Working hours - Varna:

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00
Sat -
Sun : Holidays



Sofia, Nikolay Liliev St., №10



Varna , Han Presiyan St., №1