Bio-Grow Biobizz 1L
Weight:1.150 Kgs
Bio-Grow, Biobizz 1L is a liquid fertilizer that can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures.
Bio·Grow® is made from 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as beet vinasse. Beet vinasse is a by-product of turning sugar beets or sugar cane into sugar. In a natural fermentation process, starches in the sugar are treated with enzymes to produce glucose. In addition to plant nutrients, molasses is a rich source of food for soil microbes, helping to boost populations to create active and productive soils
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2-4 mL / L at each watering. The only exception to this is when using Bio Grow with the soil BioBizz All mix, in which case it is still applied with each watering, but at a dose of 1mL / L
N-P-K value: 4 -3- 6;
pH: 5.5;
EC: 1.3
Recommended during flowering in addition to Bio-Bloom and Top-Max.
Shake well before use! Keep in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children and pets!
Pre-mixing organic products is not recommended as they start fermenting if left for more than 24 hours!
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