Original Hydro/Coco Bloom A + B /hardwater/ 20L
Weight:46.300 Kgs
Complete flowering fertilizer designed for Hydro and Coco in three different variants, for hard water (HW), soft water (SW) for growers whose water contains less than 100 mg / l calcium carbonate and the Auto version for automatic varieties.
This product has all the essential nutrients (macro and micro elements) necessary for lush growth. High quality components will be completely absorbed and will not leave residues in plants. Plants take essential elements of air and light, but also of nutrients in the soil. The roots and leaves of a plant are the main components to take these elements. It is essential that plants not only get enough nutrients, but also in the right proportion. This prevents nutrient deficiency or toxicity (when a plant gets too many nutrients) and stimulates maximum growth and health.
During the flowering phase the plant prepares to be pollinated. The photo receptor proteins inside the plant indicate when to bloom. Hydro / Coco Bloom A + B is a perfectly mixed two-component nutrient that contains potassium, nitrogen and phosphate to stimulate maximum growth and prevent disease.
2-3ml / 1L water
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