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Ferro Bio Crop 1L

Bio Crop is a unique bio-stimulator as Bio Crop 40% more chlorophyll is produced in the leaf.


The 40% extra chlorophyll means that the plant is able to make more sugars, these sugars are broken down in the night and the energy released is used by the plant to make new and larger flowers.
Because 40% more chlorophyll is present in the leaf, the leaf will also feel "thicker" and you can feel this with your hand. The plant will also produce a wax layer over the leaf and this gives a higher resistance to the familiar botrytis cynera or top rot.


The amount of sugar in the leaf can be measured using a Brix meter, this is a meter that measures the sugar content in the leaf and therefore

  • Bio Crop means 40% more chlorophyll in the leaf
  • Bio Crop means a protective wax layer on the leaf
  • Bio Crop means a higher production as there is 40% more photosynthesis
Price: €20.33
List Price: €27.11
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Price: €20.33
List Price: €27.11
Discount: €6.78 (25.00%)

Ferro Bio Roots 1L


Bio Roots stimulates the production of root hairs and branches and is also an organic biocatalyst produced in a concentrated form.

100% plant extracts were used for its creation. Bio Roots prevents the natural fermentation and oxidation of the nutrient solution and stimulates the development of non-pathogenic organisms in the substrate, leading to enhanced development of the root system. The use of Bio Roots also strengthens the resistance of the root system to diseases such as phytium and phytophora.

Dosage: Use 0.5 ml of Bio Roots per 1 liter of water

Contents: Hetero-oxins, coconut oil, soybean oil

Tip: Use Bio Roots in combination with Bio Crop , this will result in an optimal environment for plant growth and development.

Price: €20.33
List Price: €27.11
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Price: €20.33
List Price: €27.11
Discount: €6.78 (25.00%)
Out of stock




ALGUAMYCOR® is a powerful root booster that is based on the biological effectiveness of the mycorrhizal symbiosis between a fungus and your plant.


During transplantation, simply mix the powder ALGUAMYCOR ® into your soil, up to 10 grams per litre of substrate. (100 gr for 10 L). The result is undoubtedly: a root system up to 7 times more effective.

Price: €27.11
Out of stock

BioNova K 20 1L - flowering stimulator

This product contains 20% K2O.



Besides the basic elements N and P, also K (Potassium) is crucial for every cultivation. Potassium makes for the sturdiness of cells (water household), and prompts the blooming. Potassium also plays an important role in the forming of cells, the osmoses regulation and the carbohydrate household. Furthermore, potassium is important for the opening and closing of the stomata, which enable the drainage of excessive heat.


A deficiency of potassium manifests itself when the plant does not open the stomata sufficiently for vaporization in order to cool down. This results into the development of chlorosis at the rims of the leaves which develops into necrosis (death) in a later stage. In case of an excess of potassium the plant will be curbed in its development and subsequently turn dark. An excess also hampers the absorption of other cations (Ca and Mg) which is caused by antagonistic effects.


  • K 20 is free of chlorides, works very fast, and most importantly: it is clean!
  • K 20 is very economic!


A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of K by 5 mmol.


Price: €27.11

Hydro Bloom 5L

HESI Hydro Bloom contains a higher concentration of phosphorus and potassium components compared to Hydro Growth.


Plants have an increased need for phosphorus as well as potassium in the flowering phase in order to create strong and healthy flowers.
During the first half of the bloom, this ne
ed is satisfied for 100% by HESI Hydro Bloom. In the second half of the flowering phase, HESI PK 13/14 is added together with HESI Hydro Bloom in order to fulfill the needs entirely.


HESI Hydro Bloom contains a mix of vital substances that is particularly geared to the flowering phase.
Composition: NPK 3 + 4 + 5


  • nitrogen 3.0% N, phosphorus 3.9% P2O5, potassium 5.1% K2O 
  • and other: magnesium, calcium, sulphate 
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper in EDTA-chelated form, boron, molybdenum
  • plus vitamins B1, B2, B6, plant sugars and amino acids.


Price: €27.11

Hydro Grow 5L

Hesi Hydro Growth is enriched with plant-active elements that increase the plant's energy and maintains healthy flora in the soil.



HESI quality means: the purest ingredients, no fillers and therefore no residue. Hesi products are not available in all areas. Hesi Hydro Growth contains proportionally more nitrogen components than Hydro Bloom, because in the growth phase the plant uses a lot more nitrogen for the production of new plant parts. The vital components are fully geared to the growth period, and this is why the plant is pampered in a hydro medium as well.

Price: €27.11


Magic Green is a foliar spray used to increase vitality and ensure your plants get the nutrients they need for a successful flowering period.



Use on rooted sprouts, cuttings and mother plants up to once a week during the growth cycle and until the third week of the flowering cycle. Foliage will turn to a vibrant, dark green color and a waxy layer will form on the leaves.

Price: €27.11

Karbo Boost 0.600gr - Carbohydrate Аdditive

Carbohydrate additive that delivers a vital source of food for microbial life in the root zone.



Dissolve 1 oz (30 g) of Karbo Boost into 94.6 litres of water. Use every watering throughout the flowering cycle.

Price: €16.42
List Price: €27.37
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Price: €16.42
List Price: €27.37
Discount: €10.95 (40.00%)

Guanodiff Classic'switch 3kg

Bat Guano is one of the world's most powerful natural fertilisers, for use in organic agriculture.


The properties and advantages of bat guano are still little known in the world by the general public even though they are significant. Beyond home use, bat guano is increasingly used by professionals in horticulture, especially for vegetables, fruit growing, nurseries and flower-growing.


Guano-Diffusion is a pioneer in the French manufacturing of bat guano:


GUANODIFF Classic'swhich is a premium bat guano, 100% organic, particularly effective for optimal development of roots, stems and leaves. Guanodiff Classic’s is a natural organic fertilizer NP 3-8 with a very high performance, rich in trace elements and essential nutrients. In addition to its extraordinary fertilizing power, bat guano has natural antifungal properties and nematicides. 


Guanodiff's Classic meets the requirements of the French standard NFU 42-001/A10, and can be used in organic growing in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 834/2007

Price: €27.62
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Guanokalong Bat Guano 3kg

Natural bat dung Soil enhancer.



Promotes taste, quality and yield.




- Acceleration of root structuring.

- Exuberant flower period.

- Increased resistance of plant against bacteria.

- In-door and out-door use.


Price: €27.62
Out of stock

Fosfor Plus 5L

Hesi Phosphorus Plus plants in the flowering phase need increasing amounts of phosphorus and potassium.



HESI Phosphorus- Plus adds the correct dosage at the right time. Hesi Phosphorus Plus is used in combination with the Hesi Bloom Complex in the second half of the flowering phase. During flowering, the plant develops an increased need for phosphorus and potassium. Using Phosphorus Plus, we give plants the right means at the right moment: phosphorus for extra formation of flowers and potassium for a fast transport to the flowers.



Hesi soil nutrition has been balanced to the ratios in the soil environment and ensures that the plants are taken care of in an optimal manner. Thanks to the use of high-quality ingredients, the plants absorb all substances offered to them, so that no residues are left behind. With Phosphorus Plus the formation of the flowers are more powerful!

Price: €27.62

Super Vit 50ml

A concentrated blend of 15 vitamins and 10 amino acids that improve metabolism and overall plant health for vigorous growth and abundant flowering.


Suitable for all plants and all application methods. How is that possible? SuperVit is a mixture of 15 vitamins and 10 amino acids that have an important role in the plant. Vitamins and amino acids (vitally important substances) are building blocks and biocatalysts in general metabolism. With SuperVit, plants receive important nutrients in ready form. It is not necessary for the plant to only struggle to produce what is needed, which in practice is still not enough. In this way, time is saved and a large part of the plant's energy can be spent in a way that is far more useful for it.


Plants can be supplied with these components from minerals, but with HESI SuperVit you get them in a ready-to-use form. This saves time and energy from that of the plant. Plant energy is related to the improvement of growth and the optimal and natural resistance of the plant. SuperVit double activates growth as well as growth hormones, therefore it is suitable for all periods of the growing cycle. Plants are healthier when SuperVit takes care of them! They produce more and more powerful color!!



Stimulators of growth and flowering provide an additional dose of useful substances and trace elements to the base food (the main fertilizer). They are an important part of a nutritional program as they build on the foundation and get the excellent results you expect.


Hesi are designed to stimulate plant growth and increase yields by integrating optimal compounds of vitamins targeted at each phase of the plant life cycle

Price: €27.62

Hydro Fuel Bloom A & B - 1L - Mineral Fertilizer for Grow Phase


NPK Bloom A: 0-4-5

NPK Bloom B: 4-0-3


Hydro Fuel Bloom is a unique 2 part nutrient system containing all primary, secondary and essential micronutrients necessary to encourage heavy dense flowers and fruit.




Apply Hydro Fuel Bloom at a rate of 3-4 ml/L.

Mix Part A at the desired ratio then stir before you add part B, it is not advisable to mix concentrated A with B before they are diluted in the appropriate amount of water.


Price: €16.73
List Price: €27.88
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Price: €16.73
List Price: €27.88
Discount: €11.15 (40.00%)
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Hydro Fuel Grow A & B - 1L - Mineral Fertilizer for Grow Phase


NPK Grow A: 5-0-3

NPK Grow B: 1-2-5


Hydro Fuel Grow is a premier 2 part nutrient formula containing all primary, secondary and essential micronutrients required to encourage robust vegetative growth.




Use Hydro Fuel Grow at a rate of 1-3 ml/L.

Mix Part A at the desired ratio then stir before you add part B, it is not advisable to mix concentrated A with B before they are diluted in the appropriate amount of water.



Price: €16.73
List Price: €27.88
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Price: €16.73
List Price: €27.88
Discount: €11.15 (40.00%)

Flora Gro/Bloom/Micro 1L

Flora series include all primary and secondary micronutrients necessary for balanced plant nutrition and the excellent quality and quantity of the harvest.


These elements form a complete and balanced fertilizer supplying plant everything you need to build a strong structure and great colors. Improves the taste, smell and quality - in hydroponics, soil and coconut. Dynamic, evolving, constantly improved formula in line with the latest scientific discoveries.


  • FloraGro - Stimulates structural and vegetative growth. Builds strong roots. Supplying nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and secondary components.
  • FloraBloom - during growth supports the formation of roots and plant health. In flowering plants allows to deploy the most of their genetic potential.
  • FloraMicro hardwater - supplying all the necessary trace elements in soluble form, together with organic buffers to stabilize the pH of the solution. FloraGro and FloraBloom contain silicon, which supplements the diet with hydro and aeroponika and strengthens the structure of plants.

The concept for a program of 3 parts is created for General Hydroponics by Dr. Cal Hermann, a former senior chemist at NASA, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Davis, California.

Price: €27.88
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Rezin 1L - Flowering Nutrient Additive


Rezin is an aroma and flavour enhancer. It helps your plants to produce more terpenes resulting in better extractions. Rezin is composed of a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids created through a complex fermentation process. 




Apply 2 ml/L during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom.

Continue to apply at 2 ml/L through bloom until harvest.




  • Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.0005%

Derived from: Ammonium Molybdate




  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.25% 


Price: €16.88
List Price: €28.13
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Price: €16.88
List Price: €28.13
Discount: €11.25 (40.00%)
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DutchPro Original Grow Soil A+B 5L

Complete grow feed purposely designed for soil.



This product has all of the essential macro- and micro growth nutrients necessary that is needed for exuberant growth. The high-quality components will completely be absorbed and leave no residu behind.


During the grow phase a plant is at its most vulnerable. Fungi- and bacteria related diseases are a real threat to the underdeveloped roots and leaves. To help a plant develop during the grow phase a right mix of potassium, nitrogen and phospor is needed to support maximum growth rate. This will make and keep the plant vital and strong throughout the grow phase.


Original Grow Soil/Aarde A+B is a perfectly mixed two component nutrient, that contains potassium, nitrogen and phospor to stimulate maximum growth and prevent diseases. Original Grow Soil/Aarde A+B is also optimized to reach EC-levels of 1,5 – 1,8 (it is possible to deviate) to get an even better result!

Price: €28.13
Out of stock

DutchPro Original Bloom Soil A+B 5L

Plants take up essential elements from the air and light, but also from the nutrients in the soil.



The roots and leaves of a plant are the major components to take up these elements. It is essential that plants not only get sufficient nutrients, but also in the appropriate ratio. This to prevent nutrient deficiency or toxicity (when a plant get too much nutrients) and to stimulate maximum growth and health.ю



During the bloom phase a plant is getting ready to pollinate. The photoreceptor proteins within the plant, indicate when to bloom. At that moment the plant starts creating blossoms so pollen can fertilize the female plant. This process costs a plant lots of energy. To stimulate the plant during the bloom phase a right balance of nitrogen, potassium and fosfor is needed. This will make and keep the plant healthy and strong throughout the bloom phase.



Original Bloom Soil/Aarde A+B is a perfectly mixed two component nutrient, that contains potassium, nitrogen and phospor to stimulate maximum bloom and prevent diseases. Original Bloom Soil/Aarde A+B is also optimized to reach EC-levels of 1,8 – 2,0 (it is possible to deviate) to get an even better result!

Price: €28.13
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Original Hydro/Coco Bloom A + B /hardwater/ 5L

Complete flowering fertilizer designed for Hydro and Coco in three different variants, for hard water (HW), soft water (SW) for growers whose water contains less than 100 mg / l calcium carbonate and the Auto version for automatic varieties.



This product has all the essential nutrients (macro and micro elements) necessary for lush growth. High quality components will be completely absorbed and will not leave residues in plants. Plants take essential elements of air and light, but also of nutrients in the soil. The roots and leaves of a plant are the main components to take these elements. It is essential that plants not only get enough nutrients, but also in the right proportion. This prevents nutrient deficiency or toxicity (when a plant gets too many nutrients) and stimulates maximum growth and health.



During the flowering phase the plant prepares to be pollinated. The photo receptor proteins inside the plant indicate when to bloom. Hydro / Coco Bloom A + B is a perfectly mixed two-component nutrient that contains potassium, nitrogen and phosphate to stimulate maximum growth and prevent disease.

Price: €28.13
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DutchPro Original Hydro/Coco Grow/Hardwater/ - A + B - 5L

Complete vegetative fertilizer designed for Hydro and Coco in three different variants, for hard water (HW), soft water (SW) for growers whose water contains less than 100 mg / l calcium carbonate and the Auto version for automatic varieties.



This product has all the essential nutrients (macro and micro elements) necessary for lush growth. High quality components will be completely absorbed and will not leave residues in plants. Plants take essential elements of air and light, but also of nutrients in the soil. The roots and leaves of a plant are the main components to take these elements. It is essential that plants not only get enough nutrients, but also in the right proportion. This prevents nutrient deficiency or toxicity (when a plant gets too many nutrients) and stimulates maximum growth and health.



Original Grow Hydro/Cocos A+B is a perfectly mixed two component nutrient, that contains potassium, nitrogen and phospor to stimulate maximum growth and prevent diseases. Original Grow Hydro/Cocos A+B is also optimized to reach EC-levels of 1,8 – 2,0 (it is possible to deviate) to get an even better result!

Price: €28.13
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Аqua Flakes A+B 1литър

Professional, commercial horticulturists reuse the waste water from their greenhouses, for environmental reasons.



However, plants must be able to absorb a sufficient amount of nutrients, which requires fresh, clean water. House & Garden Aqua Flakes A&B is a base nutrient which is suitable for recirculating systems. Thanks to its unique composition, the quality of the feed water is retained while the pH balanced feed also ensures that the plant receives all the nutrients it needs.

Price: €28.13

Hydro A+B 2x1литър

House & Garden Hydro A & B is a totally complete two-part base nutrient developed for hydroponics gardening.



They contain all of the various elements commerical gardeners use to ensure the optimal nourishment of the plants. Hydro A & B nutrients provide your plants with high quality nutrition during both growth and flowering periods. Contains all trace elements pluse macro and micro nutrients needed for your garden to thrive.

Price: €28.13
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COCOS A+B 1 литър

House & Garden Coco A&B base nutrients contain an extremely precise composition of a large variety of minerals.



House & Garden Coco A&B nutrients are coco specific nutrients. They contain far less potassium than other nutrients to take into account the high levels of potassium released from the coco media during the growing cycle. The special composition of the nutrient solution leaves the water reservoir pure and keeps it fresh. At the same time it provides an excellent balanced nutrient, ensuring optimal absorption at the root zone and delivering maximum growth potential.

Price: €28.13

BUD-XL 500ml

House & Garden Bud-XL uses enzymes’ processes to extract sugars from the large bract for storage in the flowers of the plant.



The addition of Bud-XL will result in larger more robust flowers, substantially improving yields. Growers using Bud XL will also witness a significant increase in; colour, aroma, flavour and overall quality. This makes Bud-XL the perfect flower enhancer!

Price: €28.13

Terpinator 1L - growth and bloom booster

TERPINATOR® is a plant nutrient formulated with potassium and naturally occurring compounds. TERPINATOR® is designed to increase the concentration of terpenes in aromatic plant oils.




Terpenes/Terpenoids are responsible for the aromatics and flavors found in essential plant oils. TERPINATOR® maximizes a plant's ability to produce terpenes/terpenoids. TERPINATOR® accomplishes this by promoting the natural enlargement of the plant's plant-oil producing resin glands while also increasing the number of gland sites.

Price: €29.16

BioNova P 20 1L - stimulator of rooting and flowering

This product contains 20% P2O5.



Since ages, phosphor has been known for its role as activator of root activity and blooming of plants. Phosphor also plays a role in the forming of cel membranes and it is a molecular building block for DNA and the energy carriers ATP and ADP. Furthermore, phosphor also establishes a good metabolism of sugars and makes for the forming of enzymes.


A deficiency of phosphor manifests itself in a slow growth and purple decolourisation of the nerves at the lower surface of the leaf and purple stems caused by an anthocyan-accumulation. An excess of phosphor results in an ill-growing plant with an induced shortage of zinc.
Before P 20, it used to be a problem to add any form of phosphor to crops that would be absorbed entirely and very fast without any harmful side-effects.



  • P 20 is absorbed fast, and does not have any side-effects.
  • P 20 is free of chlorides or other excess ingredients.
  • A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of P by 3.5 mmol.


Price: €29.16

MicroMix 1L - growth and flowering stimulator

One of the elements that is indispensable in Bio Nova’s line of liquid mineral fertilizers is magnesium.



This product contains:

  • 0.36% Fe (iron HEEDTA);
  • 0.08% Mn (manganese EDTA);
  • 0.4% Bo (boron monohydrate);
  • 0.09% Zn (zinc EDTA)
  • 0.06% Mo (sodium molybdane).



Trace elements are very small amounts of various elements, which are indispensable for a great number of biological processes. A deficiency of such elements immediately manifests itself in the malfunctioning of a great number of the plant’s functions, eventually resulting into all sorts of deficiencies and ultimately the dying off of the plant. A deficiency of trace elements always manifests itself in the young leaves because the trace elements can no longer be transported within the plant. This trace elements-mix should be used in order to solve deficiencies or as a basis for a complete nutrient solution.



A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of:


  • Fe by 100 umol
  • Mn by 25 umol
  • Bo by 140 umol
  • Zn by 16 umol
  • Mo by 5 umol


Price: €29.16

Ferro Huminex-Ex 1L

Highly concentrated and ecological extract based on natural humates.


A patented production process guarantees the unique composition and quality of the product. During this process, humic and fulvin extracts are enriched with trace elements. Extremely important for the successful development and growth of plants, as it ensures that the right amounts of essential nutrients will be transported to the cells. It also ensures that nutrients are kept in reserve so that they are available in the event of a deficiency.


Price: €22.25
List Price: €29.67
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Price: €22.25
List Price: €29.67
Discount: €7.42 (25.00%)
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BioTabs Silicium Flash 2.5L

Silicium Flash from BioTabs is a 100% organic fertiliser formulated for use with fast-growing plants and composed of rapid-absorption silicon.



Rich in nutrients and trace elements, Silicium Flash also contains calcium and magnesium and can help to avoid nutrient deficiencies in plants, ensuring a lush green foliage from the day one. Using Silicium Flash in your grow encourages the production of stronger, healthier plants, more able to absorb and take full advantage of the nutrients in the soil, resulting in a greater vigour during growth, improved resistance to drought, stress, pests and diseases, ensuring more explosive flowering and heavier yields. 



BioTabs Silicon Flash need only be applied once at the outset of the grow cycle, when preparing the substrate, and offers soil or coco cultivators the possibility to replace BioTabs liquid fertiliser Orgatrex with a dry, powdered, water-soluble product for greater convenience.

Price: €23.74
List Price: €29.67
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Price: €23.74
List Price: €29.67
Discount: €5.93 (20.00%)
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Top Shooter 250ml

House & Garden Top Shooter has gained a reputation worldwide as the finest flowering stimulator on the market.



It shares the same active ingredients as Shooting Powder, but is sold as a gel for easier application. Used in the final stages of the flowering cycle, Top Shooter forces a new stage of growth when the plant's fruit is almost ready to be cropped. Some other flowering stimulators will add density to fruit but taste and aroma will be compromised. 


By adding a new layer of growth to each fruit, House & Garden Top Shooter ensures a better end result without compromising the quality of your fruits. Top Shooter has increased many crops by up to 30%. When the plants have all the optimum conditions of heat, light and CO2, this product will amaze the grower as it forms another set of flowers over the existing flowers, forming dense buds like you have never witnessed before.

Price: €29.67

Root Stimulator Terra 500 ml

Plants depend on their rootstock for their food supply.



They need to develop roots to be able to consume their nutrition. There fore a many-branched and a healthy rootstock ensures a good food supply.By administering HY-PRO Rootstimulator the roots can be encouraged to form a solid foundation for the plant.

Price: €29.67
Out of stock


House & Garden's Bio 1 Component Soil


Organic based, one part fertilizer for soil amended with lime. Known for its simplicity of use, this formulation is quickly becoming recognized as a leader in the market. Bio 1 Component Soil contains the necessary minerals and nutrients needed for desirable results in both, vegetative and flowering stages.


Formulated specifically for soil containing lime, Bio 1 Component Soil does not contain calcium which must be added when switching to bloom. Bio 1 Component Soil's liquid formulation is 100% water soluble and its unique composition assists with the transfer of nutrients from the root zone into the foliage. Application dosage may be adjusted to both normal and aggressive strengths. 




Derived From: Ammonium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Potassium Oxide, and Magnesium Sulfate 

Price: €30.18
Out of stock

MaxiBloom 1kg

MaxiBloom is an innovative formula designed to produce abundant blooms and large flowers / fruits.



The product is in a powder form and is designed for fast-growing plants. Essentially it is a mixture of dissolved in purified water, minerals. Maxi series is excellent for both hydroponics and soil for cultivation.

Use MaxiBloom during the flowering phase. It contains calcium, magnesium and sulfur - elements lacking in many plant nutrition programs that are essential for plants and people.


Price: €30.18
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MAxiGro 1kg

MaxiGro is an innovative formula designed to build strong roots, stems and leaves.



The product is in a powder form and is designed for fast-growing plants with short vegetation period, and green salads. Essentially it represents a mixture of dissolved in purified water, minerals. Maxi series is excellent for both hydroponics and soil cultivation.

Use MaxiGro during the growth phase and the transition phase to flowering. It contains calcium, magnesium and sulfur - elements lacking in many plant nutrition programs that are essential for plants as well as people.


Price: €30.18
Out of stock

Canna D-block 1L

CANNA D-Block is an organic product based on anionic detergents. It cleans and prevents obstructions in drip and spraying systems during cultivation. It also prevents the build-up of precipitant.

Prevents blockages by inorganic salts in drip systems, has a cleaning effect during cultivation and is biodegradable. The product is not harmful for plants and can be given with every feed application. The product’s mode of action is based on anionic detergents.

Use CANNA D-Block pre-emptively with every irrigation (the product is completely non-toxic) and make sure that the pipes and dripper remain wet internally between irrigations.


Before every new crop, it is advisable to fill the system with clean water and D-Block (with an adjusted pH of 5.2) to protect the system and prevent any obstructions during the next cultivation.

Price: €30.18

Flora Kleen/Flash Clean 5L

Flash Clean is a salt clearing solution that is unique in our industry.



Flash Clean is formulated to remove fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils. It is safe for use in all systems and media while plants are growing. It can also be used between crops to clean the systems from accumulated salts. 

Unlike other products on the market, it is not enzyme based and uses a completely different technology. Flash Clean can be used at any time throughout the plant life.


During cultivation, Flash Clean: Dissolves accumulated mineral salts. Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients. Breaks nutrient bonds that attach fertilizer salts to growing media, also correcting nutrient lock-out. Nourishes the microbial life in the substrate.


Use Flash Clean each time you purge your hydroponic system or potted plants from excess salts that can accumulate as a result of regular fertilizer application.


FloraKleen is also an excellent final flush: Use Flash Clean as a final flush a few days before harvest to terminate maturation and promote sugaring. Also use Flash Clean during the last one to two days before harvest. Its high concentration and low price make Flash Clean the economical choice to protect g your plants in both hydroponics and soil based environment.

Price: €30.18

Power Roots 500ml

Power Roots from Plagron is an organic root stimulator to be used for cuttings and plants which are transplanted.



Once the first roots of the plant are visible Plagron Power Roots can be used. Plagron Power Roots makes a better and faster root development. Plagron Power Roots can also be used on plants which are affected by root-eating insects.The influence of Plagron Power Roots is amazing. From the start use this vitalizing fluid for a faster and better root development, increased oxygen uptake and fast ion transport.



By using Plagron Power Roots for virtually all crops not only a strong root development, but also a very high resistance and maximum performance of the plants wil be reached. Plagron Power Roots is fast and economical.

Price: €30.43

Garden Tray 100x100

This tray is among the largest in our range with a depth of 12 cm and a large internal capacity of 76.8 Litres.



The 100cm Square Tray features a series of shallow horizontal ridges on the internal base of the tray which aid drainage from plant pots.

Equally useful as a commercial drip / spillage tray for oils and chemical storage. There are many potential other applications such as a sand pit for kids, a plant irrigation display tray for garden centres and a mixing tray for cement to name but a few. Trays of this size and strength are very hard to find.


Made from recycled polypropylene.

Price: €30.69

Plagron Start-up 500ml

Plagron Start-Up is the perfect feed for young rooted cuttings and young plants to give them the best possible start in life.



Plagron Start-Up is a complete all-in-one feed containing a root stimulator, growth hormones, vitality boosters and nutrients. It’s easy to see why Dutch professionals use Plagron!



  • Plagron – professional quality products for professional results!
  • Start-Up – the perfect start-feed for young plants and rooted cuttings
  • Contains ideal level of nutrients for small plants
  • Stimulates root growth
  • Helps prevent diseases and plant stress
  • Contains growth hormones for increases growth speed
  • Perfect for use before moving on to Plagron’s own range of nutrients & additives



How Plagron – Start-Up works:


Plagron Start-Up is a great blend of root stimulators, vitality boosters, natural growth hormones and nutrient all in a single, complete, easy-to-use product. Plagron Start-Up is perfect for rooted cuttings, young plants and seedlings to give them the very best start in life before moving on to your normal plant-food. Used by many professional Dutch growers, Plagron has earned itself a great reputation for simplicity, reliability and quality – for very good reason!



Price: €30.69

BioNova PH+ 5L

Another smart solution to adjust pH upwards.


This product consists of 24,5% potassiumhydroxide. The relatively low concentration makes this product safer and easier to use.
With this product, too, it
is strongly advised to use protective clothing and goggles.

Price: €31.20
Out of stock

Stimulator 1 1L

House & Garden Stimulator 1 is a powerful root stimulator.


Promotes the rapid growth of the root in the early stages of plant growth. Roots Stimulator accelerates the process of dividing the cells of the plant and carries out the internal transport of nutrients. It also acts as effective protection against root diseases. Roots Stimulator is a must for any successful manufacturer.

Price: €31.71
Out of stock

Medi One 1L - Organic Fertilizer for Grow and Bloom


NPK: 4-3-3





Medi One is our 1-part base nutrient system formulated with readily available macro and microelements certified for organic use. Expect vigorous vegetative growth and vibrant floral production with only one bottle. It is formulated from all-natural ingredients for use in organic gardening. This is the base for the Medi One Feed Program.




Shake bottle well prior to use. Apply the product at a rate of 1-5 ml/L of water twice per week.

ATTENTION: Adjust pH to the desired levels.



Price: €19.65
List Price: €32.74
discounts info
Discounts info
Price: €19.65
List Price: €32.74
Discount: €13.09 (40.00%)

B Esentials/Oligo Spectrum 5L

B' Essentials/Oligo Spectrum 1L - trace elements


T.A. Oligo Spectrum contains a wide range of concentrated trace elements in chelated form, essential sub-trace elements and an organic buffer. It is used as a supplement to the nutrient solution in soil and hydroponic cultivation, as well as in foliar spraying.

Use Oligo Spectrum for overall improvement in plant health and pest resistance. Oligo Spectrum - a complete spectrum of nutrients - an effective way to supplement the current regime of your plants.

All elements included in Oligo Spectrum comply with the European regulation for organic farming.


Price: €32.74

Ripen/Final part 5L

Final part is a comprehensive plant nutrient used during the late flowering stage of the plant.



It is specifically designed to speed up and enhance the ripening process, while increasing the content in active principles of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants. This type of formulation is referred to, in the greenhouse industry, as a ‘forcing solution‘. Final part is a mix of refined mineral salts and buffers, formulated by our laboratories with the greatest precision.


Indeed, at this stage, accuracy is of the utmost importance: the plant, at the end of its life, is generally more fragile and the assimilation process is greatly reduced when compared with the vegetative phase.

Price: €32.74

Flora Bloom 5L

The concept of a 3 parts nutrient, and Flora-series, were created for General Hydroponics by Dr. Cal Herrmann, formerly senior chemist at NASA, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Davis in California. Dr. Herrmann is, today, a partner at GHE and still conducts research.



FloraBloom : During growth it increases root formation and health. During flowering and fruiting it enables the plant to fulfil its genetic potential to the maximum. Of special importance for water culture growers, FloraGro and FloraBloom both contain silicate (in form of silicic acid) to complete the diet and strengthen the structure of your plants

Price: €32.74

Flora Gro 5L

The concept of a 3 parts nutrient, and Flora-series, were created for General Hydroponics by Dr. Cal Herrmann, formerly senior chemist at NASA, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Davis in California. Dr. Herrmann is, today, a partner at GHE and still conducts research.



Flora is a dynamic, evolving formula, constantly updated, and adapted to the latest scientific discoveries. Simply, it allows you to match the needs of your plant through its different stages by changing the ratios between the liquids, as well as their concentration. Flora-series consists in 3 components: FloraGro promotes a lush structural and foliar growth.

Price: €32.74


Hesi Coco Complex, complete plant food for growing and flowering plants on coco.



NPK-Fertilizer. Healthy growth and profuse flowering. Hesi Coco Complex is THE supplement for flowering on coco substrates. Just like all the HESI supplements, Hesi Coco has been stabilized thanks to complex-binding substances and it is free of unnecessary ballast. Hesi Coco is not an A & B supplement, the A+B components are united in one bottle.


Hesi Coco Complex contains both organic and mineral nitrogen. All trace elements have been stabilized in protecting complexes and have been enriched with vitamins and other vital elements both for the flowering. This way, a perfect balance is created in the system and a fast build up of a healthy micro-flora is achieved. It is possible that the EC of Hesi Coco is somewhat lower than other coco supplements because no salts have been added, since this would only raise the EC and these would be of no nutritional value to the plant (ballast).

Price: €32.74

TNT Complex 5L

Hesi TNT Complex is another first class growth promoter from Hesi that ensures optimum root health at all times.



It works by breaking down dead root matter in both soil and hydroponic systems that can build up over time and lead to a reduction of the absorption of nutrients. It is especially useful in the early stages to encourage healthy root growth. Hesi TNT Complex is a very powerful growth supplement, which is easy on the plants. The nitrogen that is used in TNT is 100% organic. Organic nitrogen compounds have no EC value because they are not salts, but they do contain a high percentage of nitrogen. Therefore young plants are loaded with a minimum of salts, which creates ideal growing conditions.


So, it appears that TNT Complex has a low EC value, but its degree of effectiveness is very high. TNT Complex contains all necessary nutrients and has been enriched with many vital components (vitamins, amino acids, plant active sugars) which guarantee successful growth. Plants that are treated with TNT Complex develop a large number of growing points and become strong and powerful with a healthy green colour.

Price: €32.74

Bloom Complex 5L

Hesi Bloom Complex provides all the necessary substances to flowering plants for their extra needs during flowering.


Apart from the nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, trace elements etc.), Hesi Bloom Complex has also been enriched with vital components (amino acids and vitamins) that stimulate the development of the plant in an optimal manner. The result of this is an exuberant bloom! In addition, Hesi Bloom Complex contains a pH corrector.


The pH level of the feeding water is corrected to a slightly acidic value. The plant can absorb all the administered nutrients optimally around a slightly acidic value. HESI Bloom Complex contains no unnecessary ballast and is therefore fully absorbed by the plant.

Price: €32.74

Gold C bloom stimulator 1L

GOLD C is the very best growth and flower stimulator available and is comprised of: plant-based growth hormones, boron, amino acids, molybdenum, manganese, algae extracts, iron, copper, potassium, zinc, carbohydrates.



GOLD C is comprised of: * plant-based growth hormones * boron * amino acids * molybdenum * carbohydrates * algae extracts * manganese * copper * iron * zinc * potassium Use GOLD C growth and flower stimulator whenever you water your plants, from when they start growing until they finish flowering.


Price: €16.63
List Price: €33.25
discounts info
Discounts info
Price: €16.63
List Price: €33.25
Discount: €16.62 (50.00%)
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