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BIO NOVA Autoflowering Supermix 5L

Bio Nova AutoFlowering SuperMix is a one-component SuperMix, specially formulated for autoflowering plants, with no specific need for longer or shorter daylight periods in order to start their flowering cycle. 


AutoFlowering-SuperMix has a NPK ratio of 5-2-5, a bit different from the other SuperMixes to adapt to the specific needs of the autoflowering plants. The trace elements are also adjusted and the addition of fermented algae guarantees a top result. This fertilizer consists of: macro elements such as NO3, NH4, NH2, SO4 , P, K, Ca, Mg and Si, chelated micro elements such as Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu and Mo, vitalising organic extracts from algae and herbs.Organic additives to AutoFlowering-Supermix like fermented algae and herbs featuring: stimulating of plant’s own hormone production and immune system, promoting a lower disease rate, strengthening the root system, cleaning the drip-emitter systems, breaking down of died off roots in available nutrients, preserving and stimulating beneficial microorganisms, sustainable: usable in recirculation systems.


All of the elements mentioned above are 100% pure and free of any profuse ingredients. Therefore this fertilizer is absorbed directly and easily.


AutoFlowering-SuperMix enhances an optimal substrat condition, actively stimulates rootdevelopment and provides as a complete fertilizer for both growing- and flowering period.

Price: €99.23

Bio Nova - Auto Flowering SuperMix 1L

Bio Nova AutoFlowering SuperMix is a one-component SuperMix, specially formulated for autoflowering plants, with no specific need for longer or shorter daylight periods in order to start their flowering cycle. 


AutoFlowering-SuperMix has a NPK ratio of 5-2-5, a bit different from the other SuperMixes to adapt to the specific needs of the autoflowering plants. The trace elements are also adjusted and the addition of fermented algae guarantees a top result. This fertilizer consists of: macro elements such as NO3, NH4, NH2, SO4 , P, K, Ca, Mg and Si, chelated micro elements such as Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu and Mo, vitalising organic extracts from algae and herbs.Organic additives to AutoFlowering-Supermix like fermented algae and herbs featuring: stimulating of plant’s own hormone production and immune system, promoting a lower disease rate, strengthening the root system, cleaning the drip-emitter systems, breaking down of died off roots in available nutrients, preserving and stimulating beneficial microorganisms, sustainable: usable in recirculation systems.


All of the elements mentioned above are 100% pure and free of any profuse ingredients. Therefore this fertilizer is absorbed directly and easily.


AutoFlowering-SuperMix enhances an optimal substrat condition, actively stimulates rootdevelopment and provides as a complete fertilizer for both growing- and flowering period.

Price: €24.81
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Working hours - Sofia:

Mon - Fri: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

Sun: Day off


Working hours - Varna:

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00
Sat -
Sun : Holidays



Sofia, Nikolay Liliev St., №10



Varna , Han Presiyan St., №1